Great success! Examples of argon gas applications in everyday life

Great success! Examples of argon gas applications in everyday life

‘Argon’ is a gas which can be found in air and is also called ‘argon gas’.

The name itself may be unfamiliar in everyday life.

Argon is used for a variety of things due to its property of not reacting easily with other substances.

The following are examples of applications where argon gas is used in our daily lives in familiar ways.

Prevent oxidation of welds

Aluminium and stainless steel, for example, discolor their surfaces when welded in the normal way, by bonding with oxygen and nitrogen.

Argon gas can prevent such oxidation.

The welding surface is covered with argon to prevent discoloration.

Prolong the life of fluorescent lamps and bulb filaments.

Argon gas is enclosed in fluorescent lamps, which are indispensable in our daily lives.

This is because argon gas does not easily bond with other substances, which prolongs the life of the filament (electrode).

This is also because argon gas is easier to discharge than a vacuum in a fluorescent lamp.

Enhance the thermal insulation effect of insulating glazing.

Argon gas is also used in some types of double glazing, which are popular for their high thermal insulation properties.

Argon gas is injected between those glasses and it improves thermal insulation.

This is due to argon’s resistance to heat transfer.

The insulating effect is also enhanced by the fact that argon gas is heavier than air, which means that the gas between the glasses is less likely to generate energy, as convection is less likely to occur.

Use of argon gas in sputtering equipment.

Argon gas is also used in sputtering equipment to produce films on materials.

The use of argon gas allows the film to be applied without causing a chemical reaction.

For more information on our Sputtering Equipment.
