Products that utilize sputtering to support our daily lives.

‘Sputtering’ is an unfamiliar term in everyday life.
In simple terms, this refers to the ejection of atoms from the surface of a material by exposing it to high-energy grains.
When these ejected atoms stick to nearby substances, a membrane is formed.
Products that utilize sputtering have become an integral part of our lives.
This article introduces products where the film is produced by sputtering.


Sputtering is utilized in CDs for listening to music, CD-ROMs as a storage medium and DVDs for watching movies.
A thin film of aluminum is produced to ensure stable reflection of the laser beam.

solar battery

Sputtering is also used in solar panels and other photovoltaic cells.
Depositing a film by sputtering also improves performance and makes the film less susceptible to oxidation and corrosion.

lithium battery

Lithium battery uses the metal lithium as the negative electrode, and can be made leak-proof by sputtering lithium to form a film.


  • Head section of inkjet printers.
  • LCD
  • semiconductors

Sputtering technology is used for many applications.
It is no exaggeration to say that sputtering technology supports our daily life.
We offer a diverse range of sputtering equipment to suit different applications.

Click here to see other sputtering equipment.
